Sensory Matters is a weekly podcast featuring expert interviews from the world of Sensory Seeking, Stimming & Autism. Supporting the World‘s Number 1 community of Sensory Seekers at sensooli.com this show is all about helping sensory seekers, avoiders carers and professionals with useful, interesting and inspiring stories. Find out more at, sensooli.com
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Best Tips Review – A Look Back (Sensory Matters #25)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
This week we are celebrating our 25th Episode of the Sensory Matters Podcast with a look back at our best tips!
We’ve had so many guests including, Anna Kennedy, Casper Dawn, Riko and Jayden Worthington!
We’d love to know your favourites. Also, if you have any suggestions for who we should get on the show?
We hope you’ve enjoyed the last 25 Episodes as we have some amazing guests coming up in the next 25.
For Even More Tips And Resources, Become A VIC. Find Out More Here:
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Guerilla Aspie With Paul Wady (Sensory Matters #24)
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
This week on Sensory Matters Jenny chats to the Guerilla Aspie, Paul Wady. We met Paul at the Autism Show back in June. He has recently had his show on at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Paul was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 41. Before his diagnosis, he had a skill set that he never ever used. Since diagnosis, he has started to use his creative side which has led him to write the Guerilla Aspie Handbook which he has also taken to the stage and start a Theatre Company called Stealth Aspie Theatre Company.
This is an interesting podcast where we find out how Buddism and his wife have helped him to manage his own mental health.
In the Punk Rock of Neuro Diversity, he would like to be Bowie but is he more Johnny Rotten?
Find Out More About Paul Wady On His Website:
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Autism Myths With Jamie Young (Sensory Matters #23)
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
This week on Sensory Matters Jenny chats to our very own Jamie about Autism myths.
“she’s perfect don’t forget that” (listen and you’ll get it)
Jamie tells us a little about her journey and how she feels about being diagnosed as autistic. She doesn’t care if she’s autistic or not as she is just her.
Chatting about some autism myths she tells us something that she hears people say that gets her really angry and how she’d rather have Autism than be dead!
She talks about her ups and downs and the strategies that work for her when she feels she is going to have a meltdown.
Her mum is her biggest supporter and they have a really fantastic open relationship and Jamie can tell her mum anything.
What does Jamie have planned for the future? A partner who likes pets and a million cats of course!
Find Some Of Jamie’s Writing Here:
The Adventures Of Jamie – How Dogs Help Me
The Adventures Of Jamie – My Autism
An Autistic Response To 5 Things Not To Say An Autistic Parent
Monday Aug 13, 2018
PTSD Tips With Angel Louise (Sensory Matters #22)
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
This week on The Sensory Matters Show Jenny is chatting to Angel one of our VIC’s who has PTSD. Angel spotted a post in our sensory support group where a child had been told that Chewigem’s were for babies. She felt so strongly about this that she went live in the support group to reach out and show this child that Chewigem’s are for everyone. It was such a moving and heartwarming video that really touched us all and we felt she would be great to have on the show.
In this episode, we find out a lot about Angel and how she came to find Chewigem. Diagnosed with PTSD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, and Agoraphobia she gives us some great tips on how she deals with this.
This is such a relatable story and the reason why our community is so special because so many of us are on the same journey.
Thank you, Angel, for sharing your story with us.
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Pregnant And Autistic – Lana Grant (Sensory Matters #21)
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
This week on The Sensory Matters Podcast Jenny chats to Lana Grant about being pregnant when you have ASD.
Lana is an Autistic mum to 6 kids, 3 with autism. She also runs her own Autism Consultancy.
Lana knew she was different from a young age and felt she was always 3 steps behind everyone else socially. Lana wasn’t asked if she was on the spectrum until her son was diagnosed with Aspergers, and then she realised.
Specialising in female autism Lana gives some great tips especially about pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. She has written a book called “From Here to Maternity” which is a book about pregnancy and motherhood on the autism spectrum.
Lana also set up a Facebook Group named Mums on the Spectrum which has almost 3000 members. Lana set the group up for autistic women (either with a formal diagnosis or without a diagnosis but self-identifying) who are also mothers of children on the autistic spectrum or neurotypical children). This group is a great support for autistic mothers facing similar issues.
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Gymnastics and ASD With Claire Larkins (Sensory Matters #19)
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
This week on Sensory Matters Jenny chats to Claire Larkins whos son Tom is autistic and also completes in the National Gymnastics Team. This all came from him hanging from a door frame and a doctors suggestion.
Claire is an autism mum just like most of us and you’ll really relate to her story. Like everyone, they have good and bad days. Tom has always wanted sensory input and his sensory issues were very bad in school. As with lots of us, he has issues with food and that’s where his SPD was picked up at age 6. Claire has some amazing tips on food issues!
Being autistic really helps Tomas with his gymnastics because of the repetition. Tom dreams to be an Olympic gymnast or coach one day and I’m sure he will!
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Cooperative Learning, How It Works! With Karen Dammer (Sensory Matters #18)
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
This week on Sensory Matters Jenny chats to Karen Dammer who is an Independent Education Consultant. Karen teaches cooperative learning across the UK, this is a way of engaging lots of kids and getting the best out of them. We find out how she makes sure every child is engaged and how they are all different.
You’ll get some tips as parents about how you can have a conversation with your teachers and tips on how to approach teachers and get the best out of them. This really is an amazing podcast. Karen tells us the most important people in education are the kids. Every child has a different learning need even if they don’t have a diagnosis.
One size doesn’t fit all. You don’t want to miss this one!
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Positivity When You Have A Disability With “Bee” Crisp (Sensory Matters #17)
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
This week Jenny talks to Bee about positivity when you have a disability.
Bee runs two Facebook pages as well as doing many different things!
Very strange as when this was filmed when Bee was non-verbal. She has worked so hard and currently has her speech back which is amazing.
Her mum was her voice for this so bare with some of the silences … but you can learn a lot from this young lady about being positive x
To Find Out More About Bee Follow Her On Youtube Below:
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Wheelchair Football With Luke Murphy (Sensory Matters #16)
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
This week on Sensory Matters we hear from Luke Murphy, Luke plays wheelchair football, is diagnosed with ADHD and EDS.
We find out how transitioning and the change in hormones triggered the condition when he was just 18 and means he needs to use a wheelchair.
Find out how he dislocated his shoulder deboning a chicken at college when he planned on being a chef.
Unfortunately, this meant he was asked to leave college due to his health. Luke talks about how the online community helped him through this especially Instagram.
If you’ve ever wondered about wheelchair football Luke tells us how it works!
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Autistic Family – Kate Gasser (Sensory Matters #15)
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
This week Jenny chats to Kate from Girls Autistic Journey, who talks about her autistic family.
Kate tells us all about her autistic family. How her daughter Ivy was first diagnosed, subsequently her son Leon and lastly how her husband came to the realisation that he had ASD too.
Kate’s journey is pretty similar to my own and we became friends whilst chatting about residential schools and our girls.
She also has some great tips!
Find Out More About Kate On Her Facebook Page “Girls Autistic Journey”: